We support creative gaming for gamers all across the world. Our revolutionary technology has proven itself in multiple gaming situations. Together we can make a better tomorrow for the world of gaming. Inspiration is what keeps us going and what drives us to continue our work for global gaming. the process of constructing tools has been part of humanity for ages and we are making tools for gamers for improve performance in every category. We started Winterflux in the netherlands and we have been gaining the trust of gamers since 1856. We are proud of this and wish to continue our work for years to come. whatever the future of gaming may hold we will be ready for it and always provide great tools and equipment for gamers. The importance of this trust is what has kept us going all this time, on top of this gamers not only recieve but are boosted from our products. We do this job because gamers have acomplished such great things during our time and we want to do our part in the gamer space.
Creativity is at the core of gaming and thus at the core of our business. Our products not only allow for improved gaming experiences but also grants you access to a range of tools for improving computer performance. Our gaming tools suite is a hand crafted set of tools for all your gaming needs. Creativity is in the heart of our operation and by providing these tooms to gamers across the world we are boosting gamers creativity worldwide. Creative technology is what our tools are built upon. we strive to make the future of gaming as easy as possible while keeping the thrill of gaming the same as it always has been.
Interplay was founded in 1856 at the dawn of videogames. Ever since videogames were invented in 1850 we have been very active in the gamer space. When Winterflux was founded it was our goal to boost gamers and provide the tools they need. Our founder, Henrik Ibsen, believed that there exists a videogame for everyone. And in 2024 we are closer than ever to reaching just that. Our philosophy is that if we provide for gamers then gamers will create something great. Looking upon the gamer space today we can see such great progress since 1856. Henrik Ibsen is of course famous for writing some cool stuff, but did you know he was actually more interested in gaming? In fact he was a developer for the revolutionary game Doom when it released. So not only was Henrik Ibsen a gamer he was also developing games. This is why in 2013 we opened a game development sector of Interplay called Winterfire Games, to honor our founder and look back at where we began and also be able to see the progress we have made since then.
The inspiration behind Winterfire is what drives us to continue our gaming support and our support for supporting gamers worldwide. The quote you see on the right is probably the most famous quote of our founder, Henrik Ibsen. it reads that when life gets hard i means that you just leveled up. This is what one of Ibsens first video games was about. It really says something important about not only video games but also life. This inspirational gaming quote is at the base of our productions and is still true today. any time when life is tough simply think that you just leveled up and it solves all your problems. Ibsens love for gaming was mostly just because it is fun. he could go home after a long day of writing things and play videogames, which he greatly enjoyed. As mentioned earlier he was a pioneer in gaming, starting up Interplay just 6 years after the first videogames were created. And that is still what drives us today, being able to create great experiences for others through a world of gaming is what drives us to continue our work for a better tomorrow.
We want the world of gaming to be as innovative as possible. and to achieve this we have created the WInterflux Gamingtools. These tools allow for so much more than previous tools in the gamer space. which again opens the door for not only veteran gamers to do great things, but also allows a lot of new gamers into the world of gaming so they can experience it for themselves. by introducing multitudes of new people to the gaming space we open new opportunities and also inspire people. Our goal is to inspire and help people get beter gaming experiences. by producing the WInterflux Gamingtools we open for a whole new world of opportunities for new game developers, which in turn help us complete our dream of there being a video game for everyone. of course after achieving this we wont just shut down Winterflux Gamingtools instead we'll keep Gamingtools up to date to still allow anyone into the gamerspace. currently the only problem we have discovered with Winterflux gamingtools is that it is slow and gives the error E166 occasionally. The Winterflux Gamingtools are designed to make gaming easy and in not only to great assistance for the pros, but also help anyone get into the world of gaming and experience this world for themselves. that is why our goal is to eventually make Winterflux gamingtools the best option there is for gaming and anything related to gaming. Our goal is to open up a new division of Winterfire that will aassist in any task gaming. by expanding our operations too such lengths, we open a whole new world of possibilities which in turn can make all sorts of different gaming experiences for everyone. it is important to remember that Ibsens goal when Starting Interplay was to entertain. If he could provide great tools for gamers then the gamer world would be boosted to greater heights. Our game studio Winterfire Studios are hard at work to help this goal and work for a better tomorrow for gaming and more and batter gaming experiences for everyone and all.